I had the pleasure of the company of my friends Sarah and Jessi, and of course Daisy, this drizzly morning on a loop around the greenbelt. We sent Paul and Jessi's boyfriend, Shawn, on their merry fast way and enjoyed some good girl time. Clea and her dog, Pancake, were out there as well, but she was in a bit of a hurry and didn't have time to run as long so she needed to do her own thing. Sarah has now joined me twice on training runs, and each time I come to realize what a great spirit she has added to my life. Her true joy of being out on a run and the wonderful place she is in her life makes her such a pleasure to be around. Jessi is like that too. She has such a great energy. I always look forward to the chance to see her and talk to her, so it was a treat to have her join!! Not to mention, she has become such a strong runner...so fun to see!
Anyway, sorry to get side-tracked... As I was with them, I told them a brief bit about the thoughts I have been having on this year's training vs. last. I got to take a moment to share these thoughts with a fews others earlier in the week, imparticular a person it affected. I hate to admit it, but last year I just did not have the right attitude. Instead of being understanding about different circumstances, I was often very selfish and completely negative. Only a few probably noticed this on the day-to-day, but it was there and if you knew me well...it was not pretty. Interestingly, last year I kept seeing snakes on my training runs. I fear snakes more than anything in the world, to the point of panic, and so seeing them would absolutely ruin a run. Not only that, but discussions in the trail group kept turning to snakes. Everywhere I was, the topic was there or they were there. I even saw one the WS trail and the Miwok trail. In a very Biblical sense, I have come to determine that my seeing and hearing of snakes was a strong correlation to evil. My negativity, my fear, my selfishness seemed to present itself in the form of what I consider evil...a snake.
So here I am a year later. I am in such a better place with all of my friends, my training, and my overall perspective on what all of this means. And here I am a year later...not a snake in sight. I haven't seen one on the trail and I have done more runs on my own this year. The talk around me isn't of snakes, but of meaningful parts of life. Instead of spending my time with my friends dwelling on my training, my needs, my issues, I spend that time getting to catch up with them and hear about their worlds. I get my training done every week, but it isn't the sole importance of me. I have found unbelievable amounts of balance and understanding in what it is like to be a supportive friend, a good wife, and a hard worker while still meeting my training goals, and quite honestly I have seen so much more success in my training through this light.
I am so honored and appreciative that I got into WS again, so that I could have the opportunity to discover the person I can be. I look forward to the final push, the last 62 days, the positive energy, the good people around me, and the signs that only God can deliver to make me the best person I can be!!
God Bless and have a great week!