This is the on-going tale of all my adventures and what makes me happy: my life, my husband, my family, my friends,my dog, a run on a warm sunny day, and everything inbetween!
Monday, January 21, 2008
Saturday, January 19, 2008
So Much...
Since I last wrote:
- I went to Bandera, ran the 50K, raced Clea for the end of the 100K, and drove back late that night. Clea was amazing and we had the best time out there. We stopped, turned off our lights and looked at the stars. We so enjoyed our time together, and she is sooo tough!
- I signed up for Miwok in May!
- Paul returned from his trip from Chile. He had a wonderful time and I loved hearing about his trip. I am happy to have him home!
- We went to Houston last weekend so that Paul could pace the Olympic Trial hopefuls at the Houston Marathon. We had a nice dinner with my family, I got to see Catherine, and we brought home some of our favorite pizza!! (Sorry Mike, I forgot to take a picture of it)
- I have been working non-stop, which is a great thing, but not doing the best job of managing my time. I will need to work on that.
- I want to create a website, but am not doing a great job of getting all of my info together for Erin who has so kindly said that she would help me. The website would be a HUGE help to my daily email responses...all questions could be answered there, but it is just not getting to the top of my priority list. Someone please kick my ass in gear on this.
- I am working through running with the dogs and making it good training time as well. They need the runs, and if I run fast enough chasing them...it is good use of the time. They are the best training partners EVER!
- I am working on balancing work time with social time. I need to set hours so that I can make an end to my day, and be better about making the time to be a good friend. There is a balance there, and I am working on it. Just because I am busy doesn't mean I can't make time to return friend emails.
- We celebrated my father-in-law's 60th b-day, early. We had a wonderful dinner at Main Street Grill in Round Rock, I highly recommend it, and made it a really wonderful fun evening. I think even though we won't go to Jersey to celebrate the real birthday, we did a great job here!
- I practiced pacing for the ATT Marathon. Yes, this is something I needed to do. I don't run 8:46/pace everyday. I actually was fairly close to nailing it today...that is after I had a restroom stop and got to stretch my legs with some quick miles to catch back up to them :)
- My group had their last long run before the marathon. Rogue was kind enough to let them join in, which was HUGE so that they weren't on their own out there. They did great, and I am very proud and feel good that they are ready to go on raceday.
- I caught up with a good friend today on the phone! I need to stay in touch more often. (see above) We talked about one thing I love about the springtime, at least the past two years, is my pilgrimage to the canyons on the WS trail. I am not signed up for Way Too Cool this year. Just because I am not signed up for WS, I may not pass up the chance to share the trail with my friends there!! I will be keeping my eyes peeled for cheap flight to Sacremento in late May.
- I guess that's all I've got for right now...caught up and hopefully won't have this kind of laundry list the next time I write.
I am very thankful for my patient husband and friends as I get settled into what I am hoping is well time managed pattern...keep your fingers crossed for me!
Just a side note:
I LOVED seeing everyone during or after the run today, and even my brief moment with the 3-hour group...VERY brief! So much fun to see so many people I know have such a great morning!! I am thrilled I had a chance to chat with so many people; love the post run social. AND, glad I wasn't a buzz-kill to anyone's post-run meal....I'll try not to monitor cheese, grease, or junk intake! Did I mention that I had whipped sweet potatoes as my post-run meal, yum!! (again, Mike, sorry no pic)
Wednesday, January 2, 2008